1. februar 2025.
Tačno tri meseca nakon pada nadstrešnice na železničkoj stanici u Novom Sadu i nebrojenih protesta i građanskih akcija koje je ovaj događaj pokrenuo, objavljujemo rad na Novosadskoj Crvenoj knjizi.
Građani i građanke još uvek su traumatizovani zbog smrti petnaest osoba u našem gradu. Tuga, bes i želja za jasnom porukom da se neke stvari moraju promeniti nisu prepoznati od onih koji ovu državu vode. Naprotiv, studenti i građani bili su fizički napadani, brutalno demonizovani od strane različitih predstavnika vlasti, pritvarani, prećeno im je, a njihove porodice su maltretirane.
Neki od ovih incidenata jesu slučajni i potaknuti su sveopštom kampanjom protiv građana i građanki u protestu. Drugi, pak, pokazuju zabrinjavajući obrazac koji mora biti jasno zabeležen, analiziran i u budućnosti sprečen.
Od prvog protesta održanog u Novom Sadu beležimo incidente, napade, pokretače kampanja protiv građana, kao i same kampanje. Beležimo aktere, izjave svedoka, dostupnu zvaničnu dokumentaciju i izveštavanje medija.
Pošaljite nam materijale i informacije koje imate na novosadskacrvenavcc@gmail.com i pomozite nam da zajedno pamtimo!

Exactly three months after the collapse of the canopy at the railway station in Novi Sad – and after countless protests and civic actions sparked by this event – we are announcing the work on the Novi Sad Red Book.
Citizens are still traumatized by the deaths of fifteen people in our city. The sorrow, anger, and desire to send a clear message that some things must change were not recognized by those who govern this country. On the contrary, students and citizens were physically attacked, brutally demonized by various government representatives, detained, beaten, and their families were harassed.
Some of these incidents appear to be accidental and were prompted by a widespread campaign against the protesting citizens. Others, however, reveal a seriously worrying pattern that must be clearly documented, analyzed, and prevented in the future.
Since the first protest held in Novi Sad, we have been recording incidents, attacks, the instigators of campaigns against citizens, as well as the campaigns themselves. We are documenting the actors involved, witness statements, available official documentation, and media reports.
Send us any materials and information you have at novosadskacrvenavcc@gmail.com and help us remember together.
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Last Updated: 07/02/2025 by
Novosadska crvena knjiga
Category: Aktivnosti